Dinotron by Buddy L and DSI - Transforming Dinosaur Collection

Dinosaur Collection, later Dinotron Transforming Dinosaur Collection are a line of form changing robot to dinosaur toys released by Buddy L then DSI.

Having less in common with the Robotron line compared to the Bug Bots that were released independently, for whatever reason the dinosaur models became part of the Robotron range as 'Robotron Dinosaur Collection'.

The name 'Dinotron' didn't appear until 1992 when they were re-released recoloured by DSI (Diversified Specialists Inc.). The model character names were preserved along with the Robotron toy line name, however the back-story text on the rear of the Buddy L cards was dropped.

Cardback text: "On Planet Robotron, the primitive power of the past fuses with the technology of the future, to create a special breed of beast/robot-Robotron Dinosaurs. They change at will from ferocious monsters who lurk the planet surface to fierce, futuristic robots. In battle, there are no fighters more feared or more powerful.

Prolonged research still shows no clear relationship between Buddy L and DSI if there was any at all. DSI also released the Robot Leaders two figure line; see separate page on this site.

Robotron, Robo Tron or Robo-Tron?: While marketing for the line often showed name variations the registered trademark is 'Robotron'.

Region Codes Used: US United States - Location codes only shown where items were known to be released.
This list is accurate yet likely to be incomplete. If you are able to confirm release in other regions please get in contact.


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